11 Mistakes Which Every PHP Developer Should Avoid While Programming

Jay Baer
4 min readAug 10, 2020
php development, php developers, php application development

PHP application development is the most preferred open-source language used for web application development to develop programs and applications. Its popularity is attributed to its ease of use, robustness, and multi-platform system.

However, even with its ease of use, it is common for a PHP developer to misunderstand basic things while coding and making mistakes. Although it may appear as the developer gets away with the errors, they may not hinder the functioning of the application or program; they tend to manifest way later. As such, these mistakes can cause severe semantic errors, and in extreme cases, they may introduce security loopholes in the apps.

Therefore, it is essential as a php developers , you be aware of such possible errors so that you can avoid them. Here are some common mistakes which every php developer should avoid while programming.

1. Forgetting to Use Database Caching

If you are using a database in your PHP application development, we recommend using at least some database catching. Cache helps to improve the performance of the database, app and generally enhances user experience. For your cache needs, you can use Memcached, Varnish, Redis, or Query cache. Memcached is one of the most popular caching systems with endorsements by apps like Facebook.

2. Not Removing the Configuration File

After the installation of, say, an app, you should remove the configuration development file. Failure to that, you risk exposing data to hacking. If the website or app you are developing is hosted on a shared server, then the date on the configuration file can be easily hacked or manipulated. That is why we recommend you get rid of the app dev.php.

Another way to avoid hacking is by keeping the PHP settings specifics to the hosting account. This way the configuration file is secure, private and not exposed to hackers

3. Not Setting Time Limits On PHP Scripts

I know this error may come out as trivial, but hear me out; it is one of the most common yet grievous errors. Most programmers assume that PHP run scripts will finish on time. However, the same programmer will tell you nothing makes a program messier than an unresponsive script.

To avoid all these headaches, set a time limit on the script. It helps you to be ready for anything.

4. Not Validating Cookie Data

If you do not validate the cookie data before storing it in a database, you expose your code to potentially harmful data. To validate cookie date, use mysql_real_escape_string() or htmlspecialchars()

5. Using Wrong Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are one of the essential parts of PHP programming. However, should you mix these operators, you may create bugs and slow down your programming project.

Therefore, to avoid such occurrences, we recommend you familiarize yourself with often mixed up operators, such as =, ==, != ,

6. Forgetting to Rewrite URL’s

During PHP programming, it is essential to rewrite URLs as a security requirement. When creating URL, use modern practices and not URLs with many variables since the latter is considered illegal.

7. Not Using Error Reporting

If you are looking to do an excellent job at programming, you should make use of E_All (error reporting) feature. E_All is a rigorous reporting feature that ensures even the smallest error is reported. This helps to speed up the overall development time.

Remember to switch off the E_All reporting feature once you are done developing your program, unless you want your users to see errors on an otherwise okay page.

8. Not Optimizing Your Queries

One bad SQL can cause chaos on your application. As such, to help you find the right SELECT, you can use Query Profiler, MySQL’s EXPLAIN statement, among other tools.

9. Misplaced Semi-colons

As small as a semicolon is, it can cause havoc on your web application development. It does not help that this error is easily overlooked only to manifest once you are done with web development.

10. Using MyISAM instead of InnoDB Database Engine

MyISAM is the default engine for MySQL. However, for production systems, you should use InnoDB. Using MyISAM, in this case, places your data at risk since, it does not Support transactions, key constraints and it locks the entire table when data is inserted.

11. Not Adding Privileged Access

Admin details should not be left for the public. We recommend you put up permission on files and folders and database users for privileged access.

Even with the severity of making the mistakes mentioned above, the best part is, knowing them is the first step to avoiding them. Problem half solved.



Jay Baer

I am a Digital Marketer and blogger. I used to write on various technologies like mobile app development, Cloud, CMS , DevOps etc. ( https://www.zenesys.com/)